essential gym equipment

1. Belt: Effective protection for the lumbar spine

A weighted belt not only enhances strength but also provides necessary protection to prevent sports injuries, especially to the lumbar spine. Evidence suggests that belts also aid in the development of core strength rather than hindering it. One study found that during deadlifts, abdominal muscle activity increased by 10% when wearing a belt, while another study recorded a 23% increase in erector spinae activity during squats.

Usage: Only use it during heavy weight training, especially exercises that directly apply weight to the spine, such as squats, bench presses, and bent-over rows.

2. Knee Wraps: Protect joints and assist in squats.

During squat training, these elastic wraps can provide support to your knee joints. Additionally, the elasticity of knee wraps allows you to squat with heavier weights.

Usage: Like weighted belts, knee wraps are intended for heavy weight training. They provide elastic energy when you squat deeply. Knee wraps can actually reduce the involvement of the gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, and vastus lateralis muscles, which are typically engaged at the bottom of the movement. Knee wraps enable you to perform heavier squats and help increase the activity of leg muscles such as the vastus medialis and rectus femoris during the upper half of the squat.

Note: Do not wrap your knees too tightly, as excessive pressure can cause knee joint damage. You should look for thick and long knee wraps.

3. Weighted Grip Straps: Increase muscle activity

Wrist straps can help you increase your grip strength and complete more repetitions, while weighted grip straps can free your hands from the equipment. This allows you to focus more on the muscles being trained. Research has found that using grip straps during lat pulldowns and seated cable rows can increase latissimus dorsi activity by 50% and 90%, respectively, compared to a regular grip. However, forearm muscle activity decreases by more than 70%.

Usage: When performing at least 3-4 sets of each exercise, it is recommended to use grip straps for 1-2 of those sets, or use them in alternating back workouts. However, do not limit their use to back training only. Free grip straps can also be used for triceps, biceps, and shoulder training.

(Article sourced from 39 Health Network. If there is any infringement, please inform us for deletion.)

Created: 2015-12-18 09:20:28