a series of moves to sculpt perfect long legs give it a try
In Pilates practice, there is a movement called the side kick, which I believe many of you are familiar with. This movement effectively exercises the lower limb muscles, making them gradually firm and elongated. It is a classic pose.
Today, we will introduce the side kick series in Pilates in detail! Let's learn together~
Side Kick Preparation Position
1. Lie on your side, forming a straight line from your head to your spine, hip joint, and heel.
2. Move both legs forward until you find a stable angle (depending on your body proportions, placing your feet at the edge of the mat usually works better). The smaller the angle, the more challenging it is to maintain stability.
3. Lift your head, place the lower hand under the back of your head, and the upper hand on the mat. Tighten both shoulder blades, keep your elbows open, and tighten your ribcage.
Side Kick Series Movements
Side Kick: Side Bicycle
Control your inhalation while kicking the upper leg straight up, holding at the highest point.
Slowly exhale, bend your knee, and slide your toes down along the inner side of the lower leg, past the other foot, lengthening your waist and stabilizing your upper body. Control your inhalation while kicking the leg up again.
Repeat: Repeat the side bicycle 3 times in one direction, then switch directions and repeat 3 times.
Side Kick: Single Leg Lift
Align your body in a straight line from head to spine, hip joint, and heel, with your head resting on your arm or a small cushion. Stretch your body to the sides from fingertips to toes.
Cross the upper foot in front of the lower thigh or knee joint, with toes pointing towards the lower foot.
Control your inhalation while lifting the lower leg, then slowly exhale while lowering it.
Repeat: Lift and lower the leg 6 times, lengthening the part of the body touching the ground each time.
Side Kick: Double Leg Lift
Align your body in a straight line from head to toe, with legs tightly together and the upper inner thighs rotated outward and pressed together.
Control your inhalation while lifting both legs, then slowly exhale while lowering them.
Repeat: Lift and lower both legs 3 times, pushing your head upwards and lengthening your body each time you lift and lower your legs.
Side Kick: Leg Circles
Lift the upper leg to hip height and hold.
Circle the leg, rotating outward in the hip socket to strengthen the gluteal muscles; or rotate forward to engage the inner/outer thigh muscles.
Repeat: Circle the leg forward 3 times and backward 3 times, aiming to stabilize the torso for better hip joint and waistline training.
The above content is from
"The Complete Book of Pilates"
Published with permission from People's Posts and Telecommunications Press