na style xiamen marathon

To me, you are like a whale to the sea, like a bird to the forest, inevitable and unavoidable—'Gentleness and Fierceness'

Before the Xiamen Marathon

Gu Long once said, only when you truly fall in love with a woman can she hurt you.Similarly, my marathon journey seems to be the same.

Having run for 4 years and been an official pacer 22 times, I once doubted, when I was tired, whether I truly loved the sport of marathon?

2019 seemed to be particularly unfortunate for me. In March, I was diagnosed with a herniated disc and couldn't even tie my shoes; during the acute phase, I was bedridden for three months. On September 30th, I had a car accident and was recovering from a cranial injury. On November 6th, another car accident resulted in a fractured sternum and ribs.

The physical pain and accidental injuries could be endured with gritted teeth, but the fear in my heart, despite the doctors' treatments and the care and blessings from family and friends, could not be dispelled—would I, indeed, have to say goodbye to the track?

The harm brought by this fear lingered in my mind for months.I sought help from doctors and sports medicine rehabilitation specialists, but no one could tell me if I could continue running. I believe every runner can understand that feeling.

"What's the big deal if you can't run? It's not like you're crippled; it doesn't affect finding a partner," my best friend joked to comfort me, which seemed to hit my sore spot even more—yes, it felt like a rib fracture.

The pain of losing something makes you realize it's true love, which often appears in poignant love stories. This time, the protagonists are the marathon and me.

Me and My Stubbornness

If you don't want to lose, then work hard. Here, I want to express that everyone's physique is different, and so is their adaptability. After resting for so long, I ran 5 kilometers one day and 7 kilometers the next. On the third day, I started with a half marathon, and my body didn't react at all. Those who know me know that my usual training starts at 20 kilometers.

Running a half marathon to the new site of the First Hospital to check my recovery, the doctor said, "If you can run a half marathon to come for a check-up, what else do I need to check?You are the farthest runner I've seen who hasn't fully recovered from a fracture!"

Every cloud has a silver lining.

My journey to the Xiamen Marathon began on December 5, 2019, when I received a notification from the Xiamen Marathon Organizing Committee for a test.Receiving this call, my heart almost jumped out of my recently healed ribs with excitement, and I decisively canceled the event I had scheduled for the 7th.

On December 7th, I went to Nanjing to participate in the official pacer test for the Xiamen Marathon. Although I knew that passing the test was not guaranteed,I deeply understood that different experiences bring different gains.

Life only happens once. In the same amount of time, if you experience more than others, you have more. Seize this beautiful time, while your body and time still allow you to move forward. Cherish your opportunities to shine, strive for a brilliant future, and celebrate your choices.

Life is full of surprises.,Thanks to the organizing committee, I once again became a true lucky star! I arrived in Xiamen on January 3rd. As Teacher Fan said, if Jiangsu's No. 1 is here, how can No. 2 not come?

The first gold-label event of 2020, the Xiamen Marathon, was also my first race back on the track. Besides excitement, I felt lucky, happy, and grateful.The Xiamen Marathon holds great significance for me, not only because I have been an official pacer for three consecutive years but also because the excellent Xiamen Marathon has given me many firsts in my running world. The Xiamen Marathon has always been outstanding and no longer needs my praise. I wish the Xiamen Marathon continued success!

This year was also my first experience as a 6-hour official pacer.On the track this year, I met many runners who ran with me last year and the year before. Hearing them call out "Sister Na" on the track felt very familiar! But some runners nearby were discussing, saying that after one or two years, they should have achieved personal bests (PBs) or improved. I don't think so. Meeting them this year means they are still persisting, which is the essence of the marathon!

Having a dream in life that you can pursue with dedication is itself a beautiful elevation of life.

Marathon Expo

Some say running a marathon is like a meet-up for online friends,I call it "entering the martial arts world."Whether you are a newcomer or a veteran runner,you come with your own mission. Some run for the joy and safety of finishing, while others run to surpass themselves and achieve a PB.

Of course, there are also old and new friends, and various heroes taking photos together.Here are Sister Na's male and female heroes.

This one isthe squid with the stars and the sea.

Yes, the squid who went from fat to thin,the squid who always compares leg length with Sister Na in photos,this time, Sister Na wants to compare handsomeness,hehehe~and it seems like the squid who wants to compare face size with Sister Na~

Mr. Shen Bo, founder and CEO of Codoon

First Codoon, then Sister Na,meeting Codoon was the best encounter of my life.Mr. Shen said I've changed a lot,no, no, no, just directly praise me for being beautiful,humility is for those who lack confidence in their beauty!If you haven't followed Sister Na on Codoon yet, download Codoon and follow 'Lucky Star 137' quickly~

Mr. Tan Jianjun from Pi Intelligent Information Technology and HiNiu Sports

This hero is amazing! Specializing in sports intelligence and excelling in long battery life, the military watch that always accompanies Sister Na during her runs is from Pi Intelligent.Mr. Tan told me that the new product will be launched after the New Year,I look forward to experiencing Pi's new product and will seriously and objectively share it with fellow runners.

Ms. Zhou Linzhi, co-founder of Ming Nifei

Sister Na calls herthe post-90s little heroine who runs around tirelesslythis talented woman is indeed a heroine, with a full marathon PB of 3:44 and a half marathon PB of 1:39! This year at the Xiamen Marathon, Sister Na wore Ming Nifei sports bras for the entire 6 hours. They didn't chafe or pinch, and they looked great. They even made Sister Na, who lacks looks, look 8 times more attractive. No objections accepted!

Photography Enthusiasts

Another reason I call the marathon a martial arts world isbecause many "photography enthusiasts" gather here.They use their lenses to capture the moments before, during, and after the race, as well as the beauty that your eyes have never seen.It's because of them that the marathon track becomes more exciting!

These two photos are from photography enthusiast Zhu Zhaojun,Brother Jun is a very honest and meticulous photographer.

Last year, a set of red-clad photos from the Xiamen Marathon made you all ask me to treat the photographer to chicken legs🍗This year, the talented photographer Zeng Shun is back! Last year, the bubble machine broke, but this year, the bubble photos are out. No need for more praise, just look at the photos👇

Every year, there are over a thousand photos from the Xiamen Marathon,which shows the number of photographers and the charm of the Xiamen Marathon that attracts photography enthusiasts from all over.

Only during meals can Sister Na's "capacity" be displayed,the pre-race dinner saw Sister Na eating 8 lamb chops as an appetizer,and 7 plates of food for the fruit dinner, not counting the lamb chops~Paired with the take-off photos taken by Teacher Dongfang in the afternoon,I thought I could fly on the 6-hour track😂But who knows what I went through🤔Sister Na will take you to experience the real 600~

Experience the Real 600

Finishing a marathon in 6 hours is not difficult for either veterans or newbies. Some runners even say they could walk it.That's right! I'm one of those runners.I've always thought that being a 6-hour pacer was easy, just walking it without any challenge.

Today, experiencing the 6-hour pacer role at the Xiamen Marathon myself, I realized that besides the necessary stable pacing and timing skills, you also need strong endurance, patience, teamwork, and influence.

Waking up at 4:30 AM, having breakfast at 5, and heading to the starting point at 5:30, arriving at the starting line in ten minutes and standing there until the 8 AM start, finishing at 2 PM, and getting back to the hotel with a sweaty body after 3 PM.

Besides the strong UV rays in Xiamen, carrying the pacer's flag for 6 hours without any friction is really not easy.The arm swing and cadence of a 6-hour pacer far exceed the stride length, equivalent to swinging your arms and high-knee running in place, exhausting you without moving forward.

Pacers are required not to walk, maintaining a slow jog throughout, which makes the 6-hour pacer experience much more grueling than many runners imagine.

Most of those who can run for 6 hours are inexperienced first-time marathoners, especially after 25 kilometers, where pacers become crucial.

Our group consisted of 5 beauties and a hero who claimed to have saved the galaxy. Under the leadership of our group leader, we coordinated and cooperated seamlessly.We encouraged and cheered on the runners, made them laugh, and reminded them to pay attention to their physical reactions.

No need to guess, Sister Na talked non-stop for 6 hours~Sister Na has always had the habit of smiling throughout the race, no matter how tough it gets, from a smile to a grin.They say that smiling without speaking is a kind of open-mindedness, and enduring pain without speaking is a kind of wisdom. Being able to talk and smile is for comedians, and Sister Nais a disciple of the De Yun Society delayed by the marathon.

What is running, after all? I haven't found the answer, but I think I will keep looking and keep running.

There are gains, of course, but also regrets,the hurried time meant that I couldn't meet many heroes and heroines,but it doesn't matter. Since we are in the martial arts world, we will meet again in the future!

Created: 2020-01-08 07:50:52