12 things you need to know about running
Running is one of the most popular sports among the public! It is not only a physical exercise but also a positive lifestyle. Running helps to combat fatigue, boost metabolism, and aid in fat loss and body shaping, benefiting both body and mind.
However, many runners face issues due to a lack of knowledge about running, which can sometimes lead to serious problems like compensatory injuries. Such counterproductive outcomes should be avoided! Therefore, you need to learn about running before you start.
Let's dive into“12 Tips About Running”! Let's get to know them together~
Q1Do you need to warm up and recover when running?
▶Warming up before running and recovering after are essential parts of the running routine and standard procedure. Running without warming up and recovery is incomplete.
Q2Is spot reduction possible?
▶No, it is not. Fat burning is not selective; fat reduction occurs throughout the body. Your face, chin, belly, arms, and legs will all slim down. Exercising a particular area only strengthens the muscles there, not the fat.
Q3Can compression leg sleeves aid in recovery?
▶Studies show that compression leg sleeves can promote blood circulation due to the gradient pressure they provide, aiding in recovery. Therefore, using compression leg sleeves after a marathon can be beneficial.
Q4How long should running shoes be worn before replacing them?
▶The general lifespan of running shoes is 600-800 kilometers. After 1000 kilometers, the wear and tear usually become significant. Do not wait until the soles are completely worn out or the upper part is damaged to replace them. Overly worn shoes lose their cushioning ability, increasing the risk of injury.
Q5Should you eat something before a morning run to prevent hypoglycemia?
▶It is not necessary to eat before a morning run; hypoglycemia generally does not occur even if you don't eat. However, it is recommended to drink some water before running.
Q6Does fat burning start only after 30 minutes of exercise?
▶The idea that fat burning starts only after 30 minutes of exercise is a complete myth. Both sugar and fat are consumed as soon as you start exercising. The proportion of fat used for energy increases slightly after 30 minutes, but the increase is minimal.
Q7What is 'running economy'?
▶Running economy refers to the efficiency of energy and effort expenditure while running. At the same speed, a lower heart rate and oxygen consumption indicate better running economy. Consistent training over time can gradually improve running economy.
Q8How can you improve running economy?
▶Running economy is influenced by training duration, environment, physiological factors, and biomechanics. Long-term running training, focusing on various training methods, and improving muscle elasticity can all help enhance running economy.
Q9What is 'marathon pace running'?
▶Marathon pace running is a form of aerobic running with slightly higher intensity than easy running. The heart rate typically reaches 79%-87% of the maximum heart rate, making it suitable for marathon races, hence the name 'marathon pace running'.
Q10What is 'sprint running'?
▶As the name suggests, sprint running is running at maximum speed anaerobically. Sprint training sessions can last from a few seconds to 2 minutes and can be repeated in multiple sets. Therefore, sprint running is also known as 'repetition running.' The ratio of sprint training to rest intervals is 1:2 or 1:3.
Q11What is the biggest benefit of running for the body?
▶Running offers numerous health benefits, the most significant being the improvement of cardiovascular function. The American Heart Association has listed cardiovascular function alongside respiration, heartbeat, body temperature, and blood pressure as the five vital signs, highlighting its importance.
Q12What should you do if you experience knee pain?
▶First, you need to rest, then visit the sports medicine or rehabilitation department of a hospital for diagnosis and follow the doctor's advice for appropriate treatment. Concurrently, engage in suitable rehabilitation training to strengthen the muscles around the knee joint. The approach should be rest-treatment-rehabilitation.
Tip:For more running tips, refer to '2020 Runner's Diary.' This book contains 366 running tips, one for each day of the year.
The above content is from
'2020 Runner's Diary'
published with authorization from People's Posts and Telecommunications Press