your weight loss buddy mifo i2

I was very fortunate to receive the opportunity to review the mifo i2 this time, thanks to Codoon~~

On a dark and windy night, after playing NBA2K17 all night, I looked at myself in the mirror after taking a shower. The image of a 110kg greasy middle-aged man came into view. The sagging chest and huge belly were unbearable to look at. At that moment, I said to myself, why not try losing weight? See if I can return to the 'long-legged oppa' I was in college? It was this moment that led me to live a life without dinner for half a year. Every night, I ate boiled vegetables, pumpkin, or raw cucumber, occasionally eating cantaloupe or dragon fruit to mix things up. Then I started power walking, really power walking, from an initial speed of 6km/h to over 8km/h, walking for an hour every day. Gradually, my belly disappeared, and my long legs returned. I lost over 40 pounds in four months. Now that winter has come, I feel cold after losing weight and have rhinitis. Walking too fast makes my nose inhale too much cold air, causing headaches. So now, I mostly maintain my weight, continue not eating dinner, and walk when the weather permits, planning to continue in the spring.

Shamelessly, here’s a comparison photo.


I persist in walking every day. To be honest, I don't find any joy in it. It can be said to be a very torturous process. It's not that it's tiring, but rather that it's quite boring. This is why I don't like walking in the gym or on a track. The fixed scenery seems endless, making it impossible for me to see the end. Walking is boring, so at this time, wearing headphones and listening to my favorite music is one of the only things that can reduce the boredom. As a middle-aged man with elderly parents, young children, and a mortgage, entry-level headphones became my first choice. I have used Kugou, Kuwo, and Pioneer 511LBT before. The mifo i2 is my fourth pair. When I first received the package, the box was quite large. After opening it, the true appearance was revealed. A big box.

The cover has a '3D' printed full view of the headphones.

The side opens with embroidered 'mifo'.

The detailed functions of the mifo i2 are written on the back.

Upon opening, the full view of the headphones is revealed, with an overall black matte finish, giving a strong sense of technology.

Opening the two small lids reveals the earphone cable, manual, ear tips, etc.

The smiley face on the opening grid of the manual is very cute. It adds a touch of joy and comfort to the overall tech-heavy packaging style, making the unboxing experience less cold.

The cable is made of 8-core TPE oxygen-free copper.

Below are the product manual and quality certificate.

Opening the upper box reveals the charging cable and various sizes of ear tips. You can see the quantity for yourself; the sincerity is undeniable. I think I'm just an ordinary person; any in-ear headphones will do. Initially, I always use the pair that comes with the headphones, which is actually quite good.

Below is the full view of the headphones taken out.

Here’s a photo with the Codoon S1 I bought not long ago.

Close-up of the headphones and 'controller'.

User manual

The body has a total of 4 buttons:

Volume +, Volume -: Controls the volume, long press for 'previous track', 'next track', pressing both simultaneously switches the mixing mode

Power button: Used for power on/off and answering calls

Function button: Switches between Bluetooth mode, recording, recording playback, and MP3 mode

I need to mention the MP3 mode. When I first inserted the data cable, it contained a lossless format of 'Hotel California'. When I tried to add MP3s, there was a problem. They wouldn't go in. After selecting all the songs, they merged into one huge file, showing insufficient space. I had no choice but to format it, and it worked fine afterward.

Battery life

As a Bluetooth headset, battery life is a significant consideration. According to the manual, the battery life can reach seven hours. In actual testing, the usage time in Bluetooth mode was five and a half hours; in MP3 mode, it was six and a half hours. This is sufficient for daily short trips and commuting, with a charging time of between one and a half to two hours.


I'm not a professional, nor do I like listening to those professional test tracks. I buy headphones to listen to the songs I like. If it's just for the sake of listening, it feels like killing the interest, just like my hobby of photographing shoes. It's just my interest; I take photos when I think of good scenes, without adding any commercial elements, completely at will. So, the songs I used for this test are some of my usual favorites.

No.1 Calavera

I didn't originally like listening to this kind of electronic dance music, but last year during the New Year, my wife and I went to an 'arcade', now called an 'anime city', to relive memories. We actually found a game machine there that held our past. The machine was called 'Dance Cube', and its gameplay was very similar to the previous Beatmania, with many Beatmania songs in it. Memories came flooding back...

I digress, back to the topic. This song is a typical electronic dance track. The noisy sound will flood your ears the moment the music starts. At 00:54, the climax drumbeat begins. If you listen in normal mode, the drumbeat feels almost unlistenable, lacking the vibration a drum should have, with weak bass. Switching to bass mode improves the drumbeat, but in this mode, the vocals and various electronic instruments mix together, significantly reducing the separation. For comparison, I used the Pioneer 511LBT. In terms of bass, the mifo i2 still has a lot of room for improvement.

No.2 Suddenly

Whenever I get new headphones, I always listen to this song first. This song's style is what I like: 'I understand, I can't let go of your love, too familiar with your care, inseparable, thinking of you is it comfort or sorrow.' Maybe 100 people will have 100 different feelings. The mifo i2 in normal mode has excellent vocal resolution for this song, perfectly showcasing Karen Mok's three-dimensional voice, even capturing the slightest breath sounds clearly. Compared to the Pioneer 511LBT, you can clearly distinguish the different tuning styles. The mifo i2 emphasizes vocals more, with better separation between vocals and background music. The Pioneer 511LBT still excels in bass, but for this type of song, it feels like 'the guest outshines the host'. The background music is too strong, the drumbeats are too abrupt, and the lack of separation makes the sound muddled, especially during drumbeats. If you don't listen carefully, you might not understand the lyrics. Of course, as sports headphones, you probably won't have much time to listen to songs quietly while power walking or running. So, for this type of song, the mifo i2's tuning is clearly better.

No.3 Sweet

After two 'extremes', let's end with a popular song. As an 80s uncle, how could Jay Chou's songs be missing from my pop music collection? Looking at my music software, out of 140 songs, 28 are by Jay Chou. Honestly, I'm not a fan of Jay. To be honest, during middle school, high school, and college, I liked S.H.E. From their first song 'Not Yet Lovers', I even bought the original cassette. In those youthful days, Selina was my goddess. Haha, digressing again, back to the topic. When the song first enters the ear, it feels very crisp, fitting the fresh and clean vibe. This is Jay's original voice. Personally, I feel Jay's voice is somewhat 'flat', lacking thickness, but this kind of voice is very suitable for singing 'Sweet', just like the first time I heard 'Simple Love', feeling that this is the kind of song Jay should sing. The separation is also acceptable. Compared to the Pioneer 511LBT, for this kind of song, it's just... that muddled feeling, like the black sesame paste I had for breakfast.

The mifo i2's tuning leans towards popular music that the general public likes, and I particularly like its wearing style. The traditional single-line design feels almost inhumane to me. If you hang it behind your neck and sweat, it tends to lean to one side while running, and a slight turn of the head can cause the earphones to fall out. Hanging it in front makes it bounce up and down. The neckband design of the mifo i2 solves this problem well. I walked over 30km with the mifo i2, and although it doesn't have shark fins, it didn't fall out.

The mifo i2 is a great choice for daily commuting and running.

Created: 2019-01-03 03:03:34