[snowboarding tutorial series 24] vertical relationship
Vertical relationships play a decisive role in gliding. Most enthusiasts don't know where the problem lies. Deeply understanding the relationship between body mechanics and equipment can help individuals correct some mistakes through self-adjustment, learn efficiently, and improve their adaptability and flexibility.
《XLab Pocket Teaching Series—24: The Role of Vertical Relationships in Gliding》
Previous Reviews:(Click the text to jump)
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XLab Pocket Teaching Series—23: Vertical Relationships and Props
China's largest comprehensive snowboard teaching platform is now available on Codoon.The XLab Extreme Laboratory Comprehensive Snowboard Teaching System is a video series created by Professor Wang Jialing from Dalian University of Foreign Languages, after more than five years of hard work.During the 2017-18 snow season, over 70 beginner and intermediate snowboard teaching videos will be fully released on Codoon.