4 key elements of running training the last one is often overlooked

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As more and more people start running, the number of runners wanting to run marathons is also increasing. Consequently, attention to running training has become one of the most important concerns for runners. Today, we will discuss the four basic elements of running training: endurance, strength, speed, and rest.


If we view running as a pyramid, with the highest-level races held once or twice a year at the top, the endurance base forms the foundation of the pyramid. For health-conscious runners, the base is what interests them the most.

However, for most runners, the base is the beginning and end of the entire plan. Without a solid foundation, high-intensity strength and speed work are impossible. Some runners often neglect planning, which adversely affects their running. We can actually design our own running plans well, especially during the annual period dedicated to laying a good foundation for endurance training.


In daily training, regularly arranging a series of simple upper body strength exercises will effectively improve a runner's ability. The goal is to enhance the strength and endurance of the shoulders and arms, as well as the muscles of the abdomen and back. By properly utilizing the arms, a runner's performance can improve by nearly 12%.

Another important muscle group during running is the abdominal muscles. Weak and loose abdominal muscles can cause a reduction in stride length, chest contraction, and decreased air intake to the abdomen in the final stages of long-distance training and races. Additionally, poor abdominal muscle strength can cause issues for the lower back muscles, which are opposite the abdomen.

Incorporate strength into your daily running routine. A simple method is to do it just like you would do cool-down exercises after each run. Start with 10 sit-ups, 5 push-ups, and 20 arm flexions. After two weeks, increase to 12 sit-ups, 6 push-ups, and 24 arm flexions.


For a runner, there are many ways to conduct speed training: repeating various short-distance runs on the track, doing speed play, running quickly downhill, participating in races, etc. Speed training is beneficial for everyone, especially for older adults, as it helps maintain gait and good biomechanical structure, both of which gradually diminish with age.

Speed can be improved through three methods:Increasing stride frequency,Increasing stride length,Increasing both stride frequency and stride length.

The first method is preferable to the second, as increasing stride length can lead to overstriding, which may cause certain biomechanical issues and injuries. Speed training, especially on the track, should be a gradual and painless process of increasing stride frequency and length. It is important to improve progressively. Track speed training is crucial for developing a sense of speed and also provides an opportunity to improve running form.


Learning to rest is even more important than learning to train. Many runners have laid a good foundation in endurance training, and some have coordinated speed and endurance quite well. However, very few runners take rest seriously. There is ample evidence that rest is the most crucial factor among the four basic elements.

Running brings us many benefits, but these benefits come at a cost. In running, this cost is the continuous breakdown and reorganization of muscle tissue. Endless running will eventually lead to muscle damage. In running, we equate damage with overuse. Muscle tissue becomes stronger after rest.

To stay healthy, avoid injuries, and run better, we need to follow some basic principles while running.

Run fewer days each week,Replace one or two days of running with low-intensity training, such as aerobic, sweaty workouts on a power bike,Incorporate some walking activities into your training, andPlan for deep tissue massages. These are effective ways to rest better.

In fact, besides running, we should also learn the art of rest and relaxation in our daily lives, just like we learn and work. This art is worth pursuing. By learning to rest and relax creatively, we can restore our bodies and minds, making them stronger.

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Created: 2017-12-01 10:47:38