codoon academy want to lose weight start aerobic exercises

Losing weight can be achieved through grueling dieting, exhilarating sweaty runs, or energetic, rhythmic aerobic exercises! Slide steps, jumps, high knees... A set of highly rhythmic and energetic aerobic exercises will make your weight loss journey easier and more fun!

(Click the image to watch the video, it's recommended to view it under WiFi!)

Exercise Intensity:

1. Beginners are advised to do each movement 10-15 times, 3-5 sets a day.

2. It is recommended to rest for 1 minute between sets.

3. You need to gradually increase the amount of exercise according to your own condition!

Energetic aerobic exercises can fully burn body fat. Give it a try!

(Original video by Codoon. Please contact Codoon editor for reprints!)
Created: 2016-09-29 08:17:45